DCT v Anglo American Investments Pty Ltd & Ors – Commissioner succeeds in recovering debt under ‘conclusivity’ provisions – no “conscious maladministration” as required in Denlay

The NSW Supreme Court has granted a Deputy Commissioner’s application to strike out amended defences of various taxpayers and enter judgment for the Commissioner for debt recovery action in relation to the issuing of amended assessments to them in connection with their tax affairs, which also involved the Commissioner obtaining information from the Cayman Islands.…

DCT v Fitzgerald – director’s DPN liability for company’s failure to remit $2m of PAYG withheld from salary and wages – deemed service was valid and no defence could be made out

On Thursday 14.7.2016, the NSW Supreme Court gave a judgment in favour of a Deputy Commissioner for a director’s penalty notice (DPN) in the sum of $1,965,485, which was the amount the company deducted from employees salary and wages (PAYG withholding) and failed to remit to the Commissioner. The Commissioner has the power though, to recover the…

CR 2016/51 – Scheme of Arrangement in which Unity Mining Limited returned capital to shareholders and Unity’s biggest shareholder bought the remaining Unity shares

On Wed 13.7.2016, the ATO issued the following Class Ruling: CR 2016/51: Return of Capital and Scheme of Arrangement – Unity Mining Limited. It applies from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016. Extract from ruling Ruling Return of capital is not a dividend 30. The ROC paid by Unity to the Unity Scheme Shareholders is not a dividend as defined in…

CR 2016/51: Scheme of Arrangement under which Unity Mining Limited returned capital to its shareholders and the largest shareholder bought the balance of the Unity shares

The ATO today [Wed 13.7.2016] issued the following Class Ruling: CR 2016/51: Return of Capital and Scheme of Arrangement – Unity Mining Limited. It applies from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016. Extract from ruling Ruling Return of capital is not a dividend 30. The ROC paid by Unity to the Unity Scheme Shareholders is not a dividend as…

CR 2016/50 – AMP Capital Community Infrastructure Fund – tax effect of a Div 6C ‘trading trust’ making a capital distribution and compulsorily reinvested into the stapled ‘non-trading’ trust

On Wed 13.7.2016, the ATO issued the following Class Ruling: CR 2016/50: AMP Capital Community Infrastructure Fund – capital reallocation. It applies from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016. Extract from Class Ruling Class of entities 3. The class of entities to which this Ruling applies is the unit holders of the AMP Capital Community Infrastructure Trading Trust (TT)…

LCG 2016/3 – Small Business Restructure Rollover – ATO guidance on meaning of ‘genuine restructure of an ongoing business’ (including various examples)

On Wednesday Wed 13.7.2016, the ATO released the following Law Companion Guideline: LCG 2016/3: Small Business Restructure Roll over: genuine restructure of an ongoing business and related matters. It explains the meaning of the term “genuine restructure of an ongoing business” in Subdiv 328-G of the ITAA 1997. Extract from ATO’s Law Guideline What this Guideline is about 1.…

LCG 2016/2 – Small Business Restructure Rollover – ATO guide on the tax consequence of this rollover (by way of various examples)

On Wed 13.7.2016, the ATO released the following Law Companion Guideline: LCG 2016/2: Small Business Restructure Roll over: consequences of a roll over. It explains the tax consequences and adjustments that occur when the transferor and transferee choose to apply the small business restructure rollover (‘SB Restructure Rollover‘) in Subdiv 328-G of the ITAA 1997. Extract from Subdiv…