The Department of Social Services (DSS) has released an Options Paper, Australia’s Charities and Not-for-profits to seek feedback from charities and interested parties on the proposed replacement options for the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
The Government intends that regulatory functions previously transferred to the ACNC from the ATO and ASIC will return to those bodies. In place of the ACNC, broad support for the sector will be provided by a new National Centre for Excellence. The paper sets out the policy directions proposed by the Government to introduce effective replacement arrangements that reduce the burden of regulation on the civil society sector.
The Department is holding a number of consultation sessions on the paper and the proposed replacement arrangements. Details of the consultation sessions are available on the DSS website. Written submissions will be accepted up until 20 August 2014.
[LTN 127, 4/7/14]