The Commissioner on Wed 14.3.2012, released the ATO’s annual 2011 prosecution figures for tax and super offences.

He said the ATO’s use of data matching technology to cross check personal and business records such as car registrations and supply orders for businesses has lead to the identification of those exploiting the tax and super systems.

Mr D’Ascenzo said for the 2011 year, 1,200 people were prosecuted and convicted for tax and super offences. Of those, he said, 48 people were prosecuted and convicted of serious tax crime offences, with sentences ranging from 3 months to 9 years and 11 months (6 of the convictions occurred under Project Wickenby).

Further, Mr D’Ascenzo said 1,149 individuals and 370 companies were prosecuted for a range of other tax offences including failing to lodge a tax return, providing false and misleading information, or receiving a fee for preparing an income tax return while not registered as a tax agent.

Source: ATO media release No 2012/04, 14 March 2012

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