The consultation over the proposed ‘objective’ of super overlooks the existing legislation prescribing the ‘sole purpose’ of a complying superannuation fund

In The Tax Institute’s weekly TaxVine email (No.6, 1.3.23), Kym Bailey, CTA, Technical Services Manager at JBWere, and Chair of their National Superannuation Technical Committee, discusses the recent Government consultation on legislating a statement of the ‘objective’ of superannuation. Superannuation appears to be in the sights, of the Treasurer, with a clear indication, that he…

Tax Month – March 2023

T a x  T e c h n i c a l  –  M o n t h l y  N e w s – March 2023 Edition – ‘Tax Developments’ for tax practitioners by a tax practitioner.   Compiled by F John Morgan A member of the Victorian Bar ( Table of Contents ______________________________________________________________________________ COMPILING…

Tax Case Summaries – March 2023

ZIOLKOWSKI v Commissioner of Taxation (Taxation) – [2023] AATA 292 (02 March 2023) (Mr P W Taylor SC, Senior Member) TAXATION – application for reinstatement – income tax assessment and penalty decision – extensive non-compliance with directions – citizen of Australia and United States of America. This is a case about residency and many other complications (the…