The ACNC has said that it will not be appealing against an AAT decision last month confirming that Global Citizen Ltd is entitled to be registered as a charity under the public benevolent institution (“PBI”) subtype.
Global Citizen was registered as a charity under the advancing education subtype, but it wanted to be registered under the PBI subtype so that it would be eligible to receive tax deductible donations.
The ACNC refused to register Global Citizen under the PBI subtype, but in Global Citizen Ltd v ACNC [2021] AATA 3313 the AAT set aside that decision. The AAT said that Global Citizen was a PBI as it undertook a range of activities, together with other entities both in Australia and overseas, “so that monies are directed to international organisations that are involved in the direct delivery of aid and assistance in the relief of poverty”.
The ACNC has issued a media release announcing that it will not be appealing against the AAT’s decision. However, the ACNC is “carefully considering” the decision and will issue a statement on any implications arising out of the decision in due course.
[Tax Month – October 2021 – Previous Tax Month] 23.10.21 [LTN 203, 21/10/21]