A tax agent and a company have appealed to the Federal Court against the decision in Re Three Wickets Pty Ltd and Tax Practitioners Board [2016] AATA 786. In that case, the AAT affirmed the Tax Practitioners Board’s decision to terminate the tax agent’s registration and the registration of the company. The Board did so under s40-15(1)(b) of the Tax Agent Services Act 2009 (the Act) on the basis that the company had ceased to meet a ‘*tax practitioner registration requirement’ in s20-5(3)(a) of the Act: that each of its directors be a ‘fit and proper person’. The individual’s registration was terminated under s 40-5(1)(b). Mr Hemanshu Juneja was the sole director and shareholder of the corporate tax agent, which had not lodged many returns late (3 income tax returns, one over 2 years and 10 BAS’s, one half a year late) and more recently, had not yet, lodged 5 of its returns ( 2 income tax returns and 3 BAS’s).

[LTN 218, 10/11/16] [FJM]