Treasury has released the Treasury Laws Amendment (Miscellaneous Amendments) Rules 2021 (the “Amending Rules”) which make technical amendments to the JobKeeper rules [Federal Register of Legislation – F2020L00419] including a power to pay amounts after 31 March this year.
As originally drafted, the Commissioner was unable to make any JobKeeper payments after 31 March 2022 regardless of circumstance. This applied to all payments, including those needed to give effect to decisions on taxation objections relating to JobKeeper under Pt IVC of the TAA.
The purpose of the Amending Rules is to allow the Commissioner to make JobKeeper payments beyond the previously specified end date of 31 March 2022 to give effect to objection decisions of the Commissioner and decisions of the AAT or a court.
[LTN 1, 5/1/22]
[Tax Month – January 2022 – Previous 2021] 9.1.22