The NSW Government has urged businesses and individuals to check if they are entitled to any of the “forgotten” millions held by the NSW Office of State Revenue (OSR). The Government said the OSR is holding more than 289,000 items of unclaimed money worth around id=”mce_marker”38m. Unclaimed money could be from deceased estates, dividends, bonds, refunds, overpayments or other sources. According to the NSW Government, the items range in value from a $20 share dividend to more than $477,000 from the proceeds of a property sale. In the past 12 months, the OSR has paid out over id=”mce_marker”1m in claims with the largest payout being $406,000. Further details about searching and claiming unclaimed money are available on the OSR website.

Source: NSW Minister for Finance and Services media release, 29 January 2014

[LTN 18, 29/1/14]