The SA Government [onWed 11.2.2015], released a discussion paper on options to reform the State’s taxation system. SA Premier, Jay Weatherill, said the paper aims to stimulate an informed debate and encourage businesses, individuals and other stakeholders to put forward “ideas that are competitive, sustainable and fair”. Mr Weatherill said the Government was “open to radical reform to our State taxation system” and that “nothing is out of bounds, be it taxes, levies or concessions”.
The paper provides a summary of the State’s current tax system and canvasses tax reform options that have been suggested in the past through various tax reviews. The paper does not make any recommendations on tax reform. SA Treasurer, Tom Koutsantonis, also noted the paper “includes a range of information not normally available, including the estimated budget impact as well as potential [ ] effects on taxpayers of certain taxation reforms”. Mr Koutsantonis is expected to meet with stakeholders during the “coming weeks” to discuss the review.
Further information, including details on how to submit comments, are available on the SA Government YourSAy website.
Submissions are due by 10 April 2015.
[LTN 27, 11/2/15]