AG Partners – Corporate and Business Advisory
t: +61 3 9098 8699
e: advisory@agpartners.com.au
w: agpartners.com.au
Vectigal Legal – taking a variant approach to tax complexities
t: 1300 965 302
e: legal@vectigal.com.au
w: vectigal.com.au
OneFocus – Strategic Advice, Tax & Accounting
t: +61 3 8602 5400
e: admin@onefocus.com.au
w: onefocus.com.au
DBA Lawyers – SMSF Lawyers
t: +61 3 9092 9400
e: dba@dblawyers.com.au
w: dbalawyers.com.au
F John Morgan – tax barrister, lawyer, mediator
m: 0438 637 638
e: f.john.morgan@vicbar.com.au
w: fjmtax.com