Tax and Transfer Policy Institute report on tax reform, 02 March 2015

The Tax and Transfer Policy Institute (TTPI) at The Australian National University has released a  on Australia’s tax system.

In particular, the report:

  • reviews the economic and social challenges which the Henry Review identified and identifies new ones which have come to the fore in the last five years;
  • provides an overview of the tax and transfer system and changes since the Henry Review, including comparisons with selected countries;
  • identifies principles for analysis and discusses some of the broad choices and trade-offs that will need to be considered in any reform;
  • assesses the extent to which the Henry Review continues to provide a basis for considering the direction of tax and transfer system reform; and
  • identifies areas that warrant further consideration and research.

In effect, the report sets a roadmap for reform and discusses the need to examine the GST, the income taxation of savings, superannuation taxes and the future of the company tax for multinationals and small business.

Source: , by Miranda Stewart, André Moore, Peter Whiteford and R Quentin Grafton, February 2015, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute.

[IT, 2/3/15]

FJM Comment

Professor Miranda Stewart is an academic at Melbourne University, seconded to the Institute in Caberra for several years, to undertake this kind of formative research and analysis, in advance of the Coalition Government’s proposal for a national discussion on substantial tax reform to be taken to the next election.