T a x T e c h n i c a l – M o n t h l y N e w s
– April 2020 Edition –
Tax developments for tax practitioners by a tax practitioner.
Compiled by F John Morgan
A member of the Victorian Bar (www.FJMtax.com)
Table of Contents
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COVID-19 related matters
Acts and Bills
JobKeeper Scheme
- JobKeeper Payments Rules: Treasury released ‘exposure draft’ – these rules are where the meat of system will lie (it will be ‘where the action is’)
- ‘JobKeeper Rules 2020’ & accompanying ‘Explanatory Statement’ made 9 April 2020 (available for download)
- JobKeeper scheme: Statutory Rules registered by Treasurer – a summary of the detail in this scheme
- JobKeeper – Alternative ‘decline in turnover’ tests made by ATO ‘determination’ under the Act (the gift that keeps on giving)
- JobKeeper – Amending Regs (No. 2) – Employee Hubs, religious practitioners, overseas aid and other charities and Universities accommodated – ‘one in all in’ principle strengthened
- PCG 2020/4 – JobKeeper: ATO practical guidance on its auditing risk assessment of various schemes – genuine affect of the pandemic is the guide
- ‘JobKeeper’ benefits for the SELF-EMPLOYED – an examination of the requirements in the Rules
- Key JobKeeper Payment updates – ATO
JobKeeper & Cashflow Boost measures
- ASIC exemptions for COVID-19 early release of superannuation – licensing relief for ‘tax agents’ and service relief for licensee’s (Instrument under Corps Act)
- Early release of superannuation – ATO guidance and number of people registering interest (over 880k at 16 April)
- Super Guarantee Amnesty ends 7 September 2020 but COVID payment plans are available
- SIS Regs amended to allow for early release of super for adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
- COVID-19 early release of super: APRA data on first week (600k applications and $1.3b) and PM’s 1.5.20 report (950k applications with $7.9b total)
Land tax & tenancy relief
- Mandatory Code of Conduct for landlords and SME tenants, of commercial properties, to negotiate rent relief over COVID-19 crisis period
- NSW land tax relief to assist negotiating rent relief for SME tenants (of NSW property)
- NSW announces package to protect residential tenants from evictions – 6 month moratorium, 60 day stop
- Victorian Land Tax and Tenancy relief (both residential and commercial) – foreshadowing legislation consistent with the nationally announced ‘Code of Conduct’
- Queensland land tax rebates and ‘leasing principles’ (rent freeze, eviction protection, etc.) – both residential & commercial
- WA – Temporary COVID-19 relief for tenants: commercial and residential and ‘Code of Conduct’ facility (but no land tax relief)
Cross-border implications
Acts & Bills
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Announcements & Drafts
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High Court
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Full Federal Court
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Federal Court
- Zaghloul v CofT – Lump sum payment of weekly workers compensation assessable
- Mussalli v CofT – Upfront payments to secure rent reduction payable for MacDonalds restaurants held not deductible (on capital account)
- Peter Greensill Family Co Pty Ltd v CofT – Trustee assessed, under s98, on capital gains, distributed to a non-resident, relating to shares that were not ‘taxable Australian property’
Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT)
- GDGR v CofT – Army invalidity pension concessionally taxed as superanuation lump sum
- DXGQ v CofT – Transfer Pricing dispute split between the Federal Court and the AAT (on primary tax and penalties) should be heard together
- Donkin & Ors v CofT – Beneficiaries assessable on increase in net income of trust (despite the ‘moving target’ style of trust distribution resolution)
Other Courts & Tribunals
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Decision Impact statements
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Law Companion Rulings
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Class Rulings & Product Rulings
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ATO Interpretative Decisions
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Practice Statements
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Practical Compliance Guides
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Tax Alerts
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Other ATO news or statements
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Legislation & Announcements (GST)
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Cases (GST)
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Rulings, Etc. (GST)
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Legislation etc. (Super)
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Cases (Super)
Rulings etc. (Super)
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State Taxes
Legislation & Announcements (State)
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Cases (State)
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Rulings & Other (State)
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Other Developments
Australian Charities & Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC)
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Base Erosion & Profit Shifting & OECD
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Board of Taxation
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Inspector General and other external supervisors
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Tax Articles
Tax Practitioners Board
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