On Tuesday 31.3.2020, in the Tax Institute’s weekly tax bulletin: TaxVine (No. 12 – Supplementary Edition), their Senior Tax Counsel’s Report, Bob Deutsch wrote and article entitled: Employer’s Cash Flow Boosts: A Beginner’s Guide. This gives worked examples, to demonstrate how the system works (and how overly difficult ‘Employer cash boost’ is). This measure was part of the Tranche 1 COVID-19 stimulus/rescue package, announced on 12 March 2020 (see related TT article) and legislated on 24 March 2020 (see related TT article). There is a precursor article, explaining the measure (in this TT article).
I thoroughly recommend this article, if you want to know how this measure works. I’ve expanded the wording, in Bob’s examples, but the figures and the logic is all his.
See below for the detail.