The ATO has advised that eligible tax agents will be provided with an additional 4 week lodgment deferral for the 2012 FBT return to 25 June 2012. It says the deferral only applies to lodgment and not payment (any payments required are still due by 28 May 2012).
The ATO says the deferral is automatic, and eligible tax agents will have their clients’ lodgment due dates automatically updated after 28 May 2012 to reflect the deferred due date.
The ATO says the automatic lodgment deferral for eligible agents to 25 June will only be available for the 2012 FBT year and future years for eligible tax agents who lodged at least 85% of FBT returns from their total client list by the due date. For those tax agents with less than 25 FBT clients and require more time to lodge, the ATO says a lodgment deferral request will be required.
[LTN 44, 6/3]