The Taxation Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2014 (Tas) and the Land Tax Rating Amendment Bill 2014 (Tas) on Tue 9.12.2014, received Royal Assent as Acts No 21 and 22 of 2014, respectively. They had passed all stages of the Tasmanian Parliament without amendment and amend the following Tasmanian Acts: the Duties Act 2001, the Land Tax Act 2000, the Taxation Administration Act 1997, and the Land Tax Rating Act 2000. According to the Tasmanian Government, the amendments “clarify existing provisions” and are “largely administrative in nature”. The majority of the amendments commenced on Royal Assent on the Bills.

The First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill (No 2) 2014 (Tas) on Tue 9.12.2014, also received Royal Assent as Act No 20 of 2014. It had passed all stages of the Tasmanian Parliament without amendment. The Bill amends the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 (Tas) to allow for the First Home Builder Boost to be extended for 6 months from 1 January to 30 June 2015 at the rate of $20,000. From 1 July 2015, the First Home Builder grant will then continue at id=”mce_marker”0,000 ongoing.

[LTN 239, 10/12/14]