The Inspector-General of Taxation (IGT), Ali Noroozi, on Mon 10.2.2014, announced the commencement of public consultation for developing his new work program for 2014 and beyond. “My work program seeks to target areas that potentially provide the greatest improvement to tax administration for all Australians by consulting publicly and widely with taxpayers, tax professionals and their representatives,” Mr Noroozi said. The law gives the IGT unrestricted access to the ATO’s internal systems, records and personnel to identify and investigate matters of concern. “I have the power to navigate the ATO’s systems, report publicly on stakeholder concerns and make recommendations for improvement,” said Mr Noroozi.

As part of the consultation process, interested stakeholders may make submissions on any systemic issues that they have observed from their recent interactions with the ATO. They may also wish to comment on potential review topics which have either been raised by others over the previous year or have emerged from the conduct of previous IGT reviews. For example, a potential review topic could include whether a taxpayer bill of rights with enforceable remedies for inappropriate ATO conduct is needed or whether the current Taxpayers’ charter and compensation schemes provide sufficient taxpayer protection.

SUBMISSIONS are due by 21 March 2014.

Source: IGT media release, 10 February 2014

[LTN 26, 10/2/14]