TD 2012/18 – NZ citizens are still ‘temporary residents’ after departing under their ‘special category visa’ as their citizenship still gives them ‘visa’ access [34]

This TD, issued on Wed 11.7.2012, provides the Commissioner’s views as to whether a New Zealand citizen who was present in Australia on a Special Category Visa but departs Australia, still holds a temporary visa for the purposes of para (a) of the definition of “temporary resident” contained in s 995-1(1) of the ITAA 1997.…

Clark v FCT and International All Sports cases – so far as they relate to ‘Calderbank Offers’ – no change to PS LA 2009/9 (Conduct of Litigation) [32]

The ATO on Tue 10.7.2012, issued Decision Impact Statements on Clark v FCT [2010] FCA 415, FCT v Clark (No 2) [2011] FCAFC 140, and International All Sports Ltd & Anor v FCT [2011] FCA 1027. The cases all concerned offers of compromise under Order 23 of the Federal Court Rules (FCR) and Calderbank Offers.…

Lake Fox case – Health insurance not a s58M exempt FBT benefit – not in respect of work related medical screening or preventative health care [31]

The ATO Fri 6.7.2012, released a Decision Impact Statement of the decision in AAT Case [2012] AATA 265, Re Lake Fox Limited and FCT. In that case, the AAT held that payments for private health insurance provided to employees by a taxpayer were not exempt benefits as the expenditure was not “in respect of” work-related…

*Re Yazbek and FCT – Commissioner’s amendment within time under s170(1), item (1)(d) because Taxpayer was a “beneficiary of a [discretionary] trust” despite getting no distribution [28]

In an interlocutory matter, the AAT has held that a taxpayer was at all relevant times a beneficiary of a trust estate and that an amended assessment issued in April 2010 for the 2005 tax year was issued within time – that is, within 4 years pursuant to Item 4 of s 170(1) of the…