Financial advice and SoAs: regs made following PUP deal [68]

The Corporations Amendment (Statements of Advice) Regulation 2014 was registered on Mon 8.9.2014. It amends the Corporations Regulations 2001 to make a number of amendments to the financial disclosure requirements. The amendments alter some of the provisions regarding the Statement of Advice (SoA), a disclosure document which generally must be provided to retail clients receiving…

Vic payroll tax: SRO disclosure opportunity or ‘employers’ who’ve treated the contractor provisions as applying holders of Private Security Individual Operator Licences [66]

The Victorian State Revenue Office (SRO), on Tuesday 30.9.2014, issued Payroll Tax Bulletin PTX 1/14 (Security Industry – Employers of Holders of Private Security Individual Operator Licences – Opportunity for Voluntary Disclosure). The SRO says the Commissioner of State Revenue (Vic) is aware that some security firms hire holders of a Private Security Individual Operator…

Qld payroll tax: exempt allowances for motor vehicles and accommodation – updated Public Ruling to harmonise with other States [64]

The Qld Office of State Revenue (OSR) has updated Public Ruling PTA005.3 (Exempt allowances: motor vehicle and accommodation). The updated ruling aligns Queensland’s practice in relation to overnight accommodation allowances with the practice of other jurisdictions. It also reflects an amendment to the definition of “wages” in the Payroll Tax Act 1971 (Qld) made by…

NSW payroll tax: Boston Sales and Marketing Pty Ltd v Chief Comr of State Revenue – de-grouping determination refused [61]

A taxpayer has been broadly unsuccessful before the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal in seeking to have, among other things, 2 companies de-grouped from a company group for payroll tax purposes. The Commissioner had issued payroll tax assessments to the taxpayer for the payroll tax years ending 30 June 2007 to 30 June 2011 (inclusive). The assessments were issued…

NSW payroll tax: Lombard Farms Pty Ltd v Chief Comr of State Revenue – discretion to de-group refused – taxpayer loses appeal [60]

The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal has affirmed a decision of the Chief Commissioner of State Revenue (NSW) not to exercise his discretion to determine a taxpayer was not a member of a group for payroll tax purposes. In June 2011, the Commissioner issued payroll tax assessments to the taxpayer for the 2008 to 2010 tax years…