FCT v Hunger Project Australia – Commissioner accepts that a ‘public benevolent institution’ does not need to directly provide relief [14]

The ATO has released a Decision Impact Statement on the Full Federal Court decision in FCT v Hunger Project Australia[2014] FCAFC 69. The Full Federal Court decision dismissed the Commissioner’s appeal and held that Hunger Project Australia (HPA) is a public benevolent institution (PBI) for FBT purposes even though it was predominately engaged in fund…

Howard v FCT – correct entity to be taxed on damages and distributions from non-resident trust [15]

The ATO has issued 2 Decision Impact Statements in response to the outcomes of 2 separate matters decided upon by the Full Federal Court in Howard v FCT [2012] FCAFC 149. Non-resident trust distributions The Full Court dismissed the taxpayer’s appeal against a decision that distributions (totalling almost $6.34m) received by the taxpayer (in the…

Re Roesch and FCT – Asset betterment method: excessive assessment not demonstrated [10]

The AAT has affirmed an amended assessment issued to a taxpayer for the 2004 income year that was based on an asset betterment calculation. In March 2005, the taxpayer lodged his 2004 income tax return declaring a taxable income of $7,382. In July 2011, the Commissioner using the asset betterment method issued an amended assessment. The amended assessment included…

DCT v Haritos & Ors – Commissioner obtains declaration that transfer of shares void re debt recovery matter [11]

The Commissioner has been successful before the Supreme Court of Victoria in seeking declaratory relief to the effect that a company (“Glen”) was the beneficial owner of 4 shares in another company (“Jinacan”).  Jinacan owned commercial property valued at some $8.5m. The reason the Commissioner sought the orders was that the Commissioner was an unsecured…

Re The Taxpayers and FCT – Income tax and GST assessments, and Div 7A issues: AAT rehearing [8]

Three taxpayers have been successful before the AAT in matters concerning GST assessments, as well as income tax-related issues concerning deductions for superannuation and Div 7A issues (pertaining to company loans). The matters were remitted to the AAT for rehearing as ordered by the Federal Court on 3 September 2012. The background facts are complex involving 3 taxpayers…