FCT v Hunger Project Australia – Commissioner accepts that a ‘public benevolent institution’ does not need to directly provide relief [14]

The ATO has released a Decision Impact Statement on the Full Federal Court decision in FCT v Hunger Project Australia[2014] FCAFC 69. The Full Federal Court decision dismissed the Commissioner’s appeal and held that Hunger Project Australia (HPA) is a public benevolent institution (PBI) for FBT purposes even though it was predominately engaged in fund…

Howard v FCT – correct entity to be taxed on damages and distributions from non-resident trust [15]

The ATO has issued 2 Decision Impact Statements in response to the outcomes of 2 separate matters decided upon by the Full Federal Court in Howard v FCT [2012] FCAFC 149. Non-resident trust distributions The Full Court dismissed the taxpayer’s appeal against a decision that distributions (totalling almost $6.34m) received by the taxpayer (in the…

Re Roesch and FCT – Asset betterment method: excessive assessment not demonstrated [10]

The AAT has affirmed an amended assessment issued to a taxpayer for the 2004 income year that was based on an asset betterment calculation. In March 2005, the taxpayer lodged his 2004 income tax return declaring a taxable income of $7,382. In July 2011, the Commissioner using the asset betterment method issued an amended assessment. The amended assessment included…

DCT v Haritos & Ors – Commissioner obtains declaration that transfer of shares void re debt recovery matter [11]

The Commissioner has been successful before the Supreme Court of Victoria in seeking declaratory relief to the effect that a company (“Glen”) was the beneficial owner of 4 shares in another company (“Jinacan”).  Jinacan owned commercial property valued at some $8.5m. The reason the Commissioner sought the orders was that the Commissioner was an unsecured…

Re The Taxpayers and FCT – Income tax and GST assessments, and Div 7A issues: AAT rehearing [8]

Three taxpayers have been successful before the AAT in matters concerning GST assessments, as well as income tax-related issues concerning deductions for superannuation and Div 7A issues (pertaining to company loans). The matters were remitted to the AAT for rehearing as ordered by the Federal Court on 3 September 2012. The background facts are complex involving 3 taxpayers…

Re LNNB & Ors and FCT – Family taxpayers fail to prove that ‘asset betterment’ assessments were excessive [5]

The AAT has affirmed the disallowance of objections against amended and default assessments issued against 6 taxpayers from the same family in respect of undisclosed income of family members. The matter involved unexplained moneys flowing through family bank accounts between 2003 and 2008 years, including sums paid from an overseas business arrangement, as well as…