*Refunding excess GST: ASFA submission on draft legislation in proposed Division 36 [48]

ASFA on Tue 18.9.2012, released its submission to Treasury on the draft legislation proposing to amend the GST Act and the TAA relating to refunding of excess GST. ASFA agreed the law surrounding GST refunds required clarification, but considered the draft legislation in its current form was “overly restrictive and significantly reduces the ability of…

GST recommendations for low value parcels: Government Taskforce [47]

The Government’s Taskforce on Low Value Parcel Processing on Thur 6.9.2012, released its report into the concerns surrounding the current GST and other revenue arrangements of imported goods valued at or below $1,000. The final report stated that potential solutions warranting future consideration were: the collection of duty and/or GST by financial intermediaries; and the…

*ATO prosecutes 2,000 for tax and super offences in 2011-12 [44]

The Commissioner has announced that the ATO had successfully prosecuted around 2,000 individuals and companies for fraud, tax and super offences in the 2011-12 financial year. Of the individuals and companies prosecuted, Mr D’Ascenzo said: 39 individuals were prosecuted for offences including attempting to hide income and assets overseas, and individuals using stolen identities to…

*CR 2012/80 – Selective capital reduction will not be treated as a ‘buy-back’ for the purposes of Div 16K [42]

The ATO Wed 19.9.2012 issued Class Ruling CR 2012/80 (Selective Capital Reduction: Mesbon China Nylon Limited). It applies to shareholders of Mesbon China Nylon Limited (Mesbon) who participate in the selective capital reduction as described in the Ruling. According to the Ruling, the selective capital reduction will not be treated as a buy-back for the…

CR 2012/66-79 – Special dividend; FBT exempt preventative health checks, and Early Retirement Schemes [41]

The ATO on Wed 5.9.2012, released the following Class Rulings: : Talent2 International Limited Scheme of Arrangement and payment of CR 2012/66Proposed Special Dividend. It applies from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. Among other things, the Ruling states that a resident shareholder who receives a special dividend is required to include the dividend…