Esso Australia Resources case – statement about FFC decision disallowing PRRT deductions, pending the taxpayer’s appeal to the High Court [37]

The ATO has issued a Decision Impact Statement on the Full Federal Court’s decision in Esso Australia Resources Pty Ltd v FCT [2012] FCAFC 5. The Full Federal Court had unanimously overturned a decision at first instance and held that Esso Australia Resources Pty Ltd was not entitled to a deduction for contract payments made…

Messenger Press Proprietary Limited & Ors v FCT – Commissioner appeals to Federal Court decision that 18 News Corp group companies were entitled to over $2bn in deductions for foreign exchange losses [36]

The Commissioner has appealed to the Full Federal Court against the decision of Perram J in Messenger Press Proprietary Limited & Ors v FCT [2012] FCA 756. The Federal Court had held that some 18 News Corp group companies were entitled to over $2bn in deductions for foreign exchange gain losses in the 2001 and…

Re Yazbek and FCT – taxpayer appeals to Federal Court from decision the he was relevantly a ‘beneficiary’ under s170(1), item 1, para (d) for the purposes of giving the Commissioner 4 years in which to amend [35]

The taxpayer has lodged a notice of appeal to the Federal Court against the decision of Deutsch DP in AAT Case [2012] AATA 477, Re Yazbek and FCT. The AAT had held in an interlocutory matter that a taxpayer was at all relevant times a beneficiary of a trust estate and that an amended assessment…

Gashi & Anor v FCT – both taxpayer(s) and Commissioner to appeal to the Full Federal Court regarding a decision on default assessments decided on ‘onus’ [33]

The taxpayers (husband and wife) and the Commissioner have lodged notices of appeal to the Full Federal Court against the decision of Jessup J in Gashi & Anor v FCT[2012] FCA 638. It would also appear that the Commissioner has lodged a notice of objection to the competency of the husband’s appeal. The Federal Court…

FCT v Rawson Finances Pty Ltd – taxpayer against decision that it failed to discharge its onus of showing deposits not income [32]

The taxpayer has lodged a notice of appeal to the Full Federal Court against the decision of Edmonds J in FCT v Rawson Finances Pty Ltd [2012] FCA 753. The Federal Court had allowed the Commissioner’s appeal and held that the taxpayer had not discharged the onus of proving that amounts of over $4.75m deposited…

R v Agius; R v Zerafa – Jail & CBO (respectively) for Wickenby convictions – false invoicing to Vanuatu and loans back [31]

Two men convicted under Project Wickenby on each of 2 counts of conspiracy to defraud the Commonwealth have been sentenced by the NSW Supreme Court. The counts on the indictment presented on behalf of the Commonwealth DPP were brought under the Crimes Act 1914 and the Commonwealth Criminal Code. The 2 men were Mr Robert…

*R v Seller; R v McCarthy – Permanent stay of Wickenby case relating to whisky distillation schemes – because evidence compelled without privilege against self-incrimination given to prosecution in breach of the law [30]

In a Project Wickenby case, the NSW Supreme Court has ordered a permanent stay of any proceedings on indictments against 2 men concerning alleged false tax deductions claimed regarding whisky distillation schemes. On 14 March 2012, the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (“CDPP”) presented an indictment to the Supreme Court, which charged that the 2…